General Eye Care

We provide comprehensive eye examinations (which includes a dilated fundal examination), diagnosis, treatment and continued monitoring follow-up care for all types of conditions of the eye, eyelid, and vision.
These services comprise of
- Performing a comprehensive examination of the visual system.
- Performing Refraction to provide spectacles for improving distance and near vision.
- Educating patients about maintaining and promoting healthy vision.
- Screening for eye diseases and conditions affecting vision that may be asymptomatic.
- Recognizing ocular manifestations of systemic diseases and systemic effects of ocular medications.
- Making a differential diagnosis and definitive diagnosis for any detected abnormalities.
- Deciding on a treatment plan and treating patients’ eye care needs with appropriate therapies.
- Counseling and educating patients about their eye disease condition.
- Recognizing and managing local and systemic effects of drug therapy.
About Us

Rods and Cones Eye Care Services Limited is a state-of-the-art eye care centre located in Kumasi, Ghana. Its mission is to provide quality and affordable Eyecare to all.
Contact Us
Rods and Cones Eye care Services Ltd.,
P.O Box KS 17464,
Kumasi - Ghana.
+233 322 493 390 or +233 322 499 247
Tanoso - Kumasi, Ghana, Head Office
Opposite the Tanoso Chief's Palace.
+233 322 499 247 0r +233 543 329 262
Stadium - Kumasi, Ghana, Branch Office
Directly Opposite the Unity Oil Fuel Station,
On Top Of Ramakos Restaurant.
+233 322 493 390 or +233 554 944 644
Follow Us
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm
Saturday 8am - 3pm
Public Holidays 9am - 2pm